Geek chronicles: camera gear

Un petit interlude geek afin de décrire le matériel photo que nous avons emporté..

We brought cameras for different purposes.

- Pany: The "best" camera is a panasonic GF1 with 20mm 1.7f lens. Although you can change lenses, we have only one lens so far (we intend to buy a zoom lens in China). It's very fast and fits most situations. It has a relatively large sensor for it's size (four/third). We are quite happy with it, notably for its size/picture quality ratio. It films in HD.

- Nikon: a compact camera that snaps decent pictures. We use it mostly when it is not possible to bring the pany with us, or if we'd better take the photo really discreetly ;-)

- iStuff: we have an iPod touch and an iPhone. Pictures suck at night but aren't objectionable at day. The iTouch supposedly takes HD videos. We often use these for on the fly pictures or pictures with silly design/hip/cracked-up/pimp effects :-)

I'll post about the rest of geek stuff later on ;)

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